Sustainable Lagoons and livelihoods is 5 years project funded by the Big Lottery Fund (BLF) UK. The main objective of this project is to establish a system of collaborative lagoon governance at local and national level that enables small- scale lagoon fishers to manage their resource base sustainably and strengthen their livelihoods. In 2012 Practical Action partnered with PALM Community Development Service Company (Guarantee) Ltd to implement the Sustainable Lagoon and Livelihoods Project 07 lagoons in North and East. The first action under this work was to conduct a baseline survey in order to get an in depth understanding of the;
Social, cultural, religious systems and ethnic sensitivities prevalent in prevalent in 07 Lagoons with a special emphasis on women’s participation.
Economic systems present at 07 Lagoon’s for example- fish production, lagoon ecosystem, natural resources, flora and fauna, livelihoods practiced
History of 7 lagoons and surrounding area, demographics
Full participation and accuracy of information collected was ensured through; core group meetings, household survey, individual discussion, secondary data, informal chats, small group discussions, information validation meetings with key government and the use of PRA tools.